Sunday, June 8, 2008

Blinkweb Program

The new Blinkweb software developed by Brad and Matt Callen looks promising. The Program boasts that it will make building sites and blogs easy for everyone. This includes people who do not know any html or anything.

Blinkweb looks to be all point and click with no need for coding. The ability to add and edit page elements with a mouse should make site building easy for anyone. There are some good html editors out there but none that I have seen have eliminated coding entirely so far. This software could very well become the new best friend of people just getting started in affiliate marketing.

At last, someone has taken the step to make it to where anyone who wants to can put up a website. Usually, you have to at least learn some basic programming concepts. Blinkweb looks to be a full graphical user interface based program which will make building sites possible even for those with only the most basic computer skills. If it's as good as it looks in the video it might just replace my old html editors. Brad Callen's Blinkweb software sounds like it will make it a lot easier for beginners to dish out new web pages and experiment with the search engines.

Check out the Blinkweb video here